Unlearn Your Pain: Dr. Howard Schubiner's Breakthrough Approach to Addressing Chronic Pain
Unlearn Your Pain: Dr. Howard Schubiner's Breakthrough Approach to Addressing Chronic Pain

Unlearn Your Pain: Dr. Howard Schubiner's Breakthrough Approach to Addressing Chronic Pain

By Abigail Hirsch, Phd
May 28, 2023
7 min. read


Chronic pain can be an overwhelming and debilitating condition, affecting millions of people worldwide. Traditional medical approaches often focus solely on physical factors, such as injuries or diseases, neglecting the potential psychological contributors to pain. Dr. Howard Schubiner, in his groundbreaking book "Unlearn Your Pain," challenges this conventional view and proposes that chronic pain can stem from psychological factors. Lin Health's program builds upon the principles laid out in Dr. Schubiner's book, incorporating a holistic approach to help individuals identify and address the underlying causes of their pain. By combining psychological and physical techniques, the program provides practical guidance and renewed hope to those struggling with chronic pain.

Understanding the Principles of "Unlearn Your Pain":

Dr. Howard Schubiner's book delves into the concept that chronic pain is influenced by psychological factors. By examining the mind-body connection, he highlights how stress, emotions, and past traumas can contribute to the persistence of pain. Schubiner proposes that the brain can create and maintain pain signals even when there is no ongoing physical injury or pathology. There are different names for this – chronic primary pain, neuroplastic pain, TMS to name a few — and it emphasizes the importance of addressing psychological factors in the management of chronic pain.

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Lin Health’s Program: A Holistic Approach to Pain Management:

Lin Health's program draws inspiration from the principles outlined in "Unlearn Your Pain." It recognizes that chronic pain is a complex interplay between physical and psychological factors and adopts a holistic approach to address both aspects. The program encompasses the following key components:

Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT), which utilizes visualization and cognitive restructuring to "unlearn" pain responses; Psychophysiologic Symptom Relief Therapy (PSRT), addressing psychosocial factors that contribute to physical pain; Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy (EAET), helping individuals recognize, understand, and express their emotions to alleviate physical pain; and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), fostering constructive engagement with pain.

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Practical Guidance and Hope:

Both "Unlearn Your Pain" and the Lin Health program provide practical guidance and instill hope in those suffering from chronic pain. By offering a comprehensive approach that addresses the underlying psychological factors, individuals gain a sense of control over their condition. Through a combination of psychological techniques and physical rehabilitation, participants can experience a reduction in pain levels, improved quality of life, and increased overall well-being.


"Unlearn Your Pain" by Dr. Howard Schubiner challenges conventional views on chronic pain by emphasizing the role of psychological factors. Lin Health's program builds upon these principles, offering a holistic approach that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of pain. By integrating psychological techniques, cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness practices, and physical rehabilitation, the program provides practical guidance and renewed hope for individuals struggling with chronic pain. Through this comprehensive approach, individuals can reclaim their lives and find relief from the burdens of chronic pain.

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