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FREE: Exclusive round table
Live session

Guided Safe Space Meditation for Pain Recovery

Join us for this free session where Dr. Abigail Hirsch, pain psychologist and Co-Founder of Lin Health guides us in a safe space meditation. This meditation is designed to help people who are dealing with chronic pain to find relief, connect with your body, and manage their symptoms through the power of mindfulness and relaxation techniques.

Guided Safe Space Meditation for Pain Recovery

Friday, January 27, 2023, 2pm EST/ 11am PST

Guided Safe Space Meditation for Pain Recovery

What to expect:

In this session you will be guided through a series of exercises and techniques to help you relax, focus your mind, and release tension from your body. We will also explore different ways to create a safe and supportive environment for yourself, both physically and mentally, to promote healing and reduce pain.

The session will cover:

  • Guided exercises and techniques to help you relax, focus your mind, and release tension from your body
  • Creating a safe and supportive environment for yourself, both physically and mentally, to promote healing and reduce pain
  • Q&A with Abigail Hirsch, pain psychologist and Lin Co-Founder

Watch the recording right here:

Guided Safe Space Meditation for Pain Recovery

What to expect:

In this session you will be guided through a series of exercises and techniques to help you relax, focus your mind, and release tension from your body. We will also explore different ways to create a safe and supportive environment for yourself, both physically and mentally, to promote healing and reduce pain.

The session will cover:

  • Guided exercises and techniques to help you relax, focus your mind, and release tension from your body
  • Creating a safe and supportive environment for yourself, both physically and mentally, to promote healing and reduce pain
  • Q&A with Abigail Hirsch, pain psychologist and Lin Co-Founder

About your hosts

About your host

Abigail Hirsch, PhD

Abigail Hirsch, PhD

Chief Clinical Officer

Abigail is a clinical psychologist who specializes in creating digital products that transform lives. She built the first-ever digital relationship support program, Power of Two. As Chief Clinical Officer at myStrength, she helped lead the creation of a digital behavioral health program that was acquired by TeleDoc. Abigail has 4 boys, owns every type of ball from base to moth, and loves to take her bright orange beach bike tooling around in the fields behind her house.

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Hang in there

This event will begin on Friday, January 27, 2023, 2pm EST/ 11am PST
This webinar has ended.

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