6 Best Chronic Pain Apps in 2022
We’ve done the due diligence for you and narrowed down the top 6 best chronic pain apps for 2022.
There's an app for everything these days. Banking. Shopping. Restaurant reservations. Listening to podcasts. Watching movies.
And when it comes to pain management apps, it can feel overwhelming to try and pick just one (or a few) out of so many options. Health symptoms can vary significantly. So it can be challenging to find the best chronic pain apps for your condition. Hence, this list. Here we’ve done the due diligence for you and narrowed down the top six best chronic pain apps for 2022.
Our List of The Best Chronic Pain Apps for 2022
1. Lin
What makes Lin Health unique is its focus on holistic, personal, and compassionate solutions to manage your pain. A web-based app, you can access a team of physicians, pain specialists, psychologists, and other experts at any time from the comfort of your own home through your browser, tablet, or mobile phone. Lin stands out because of its integrative, multidisciplinary approach. It goes way beyond tackling a single symptom. Instead, Lin pairs you with a caring health coach (who also has a personal background in chronic pain) and will work with you to design a customized care plan that touches on multiple areas of your life (like sleep, diet and nutrition, stress and mood management, relationships, weight loss, movement/exercise, physical therapy, positive thinking, CBT, and pain education). After all, since chronic pain impacts all aspects of your life, shouldn’t your chronic pain management app help with it all?
2. Pathways
Available on Android and iOS, the Pathways app is built around the premise that chronic pain is impacted by biological, psychological, and social factors. While the app isn’t tailored to each user, it does offer multiple features that will benefit most people who suffer from chronic pain. Once signed up, users can access a variety of classes on different topics, including physical therapy, yoga, exercise, meditation, and pain education. In addition, users are able to track their wellbeing and pain levels on the Pathways app. If you’re looking for a good pain relief app, definitely check out this one!
3. Curable
Curable is another app that applies a biopsychosocial approach, concentrating on the idea that chronic pain is the result of multiple factors. The app provides its users with guided meditations, visualizations, and lessons on pain education, training the brain, and expressive writing. Available for download on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, Curable assigns all users to its virtual chatbot, Clara, who fills the role of a chronic pain coach. After you’ve answered certain questions, you’re presented with a personalized group of lessons. This pain therapy app has a lot to offer when it comes to mind-body techniques, which can be very helpful to anyone who struggles with recurrent pain.
4. Shapa
This app differs from some of the others on this list because its primary objective is to assist folks with their long-term weight management. Designed for both iPhones and Androids, Shapa features a numberless scale (this is an actual device separate from the app that gauges your weight by color and age instead of by a number), a mindful eating log that tracks hunger and fullness, and customized missions that motivate you to take daily steps towards your goal(s). This app strives to tackle the psychology behind losing weight. In our opinion, it’s a thumbs up and worth a try!
5. Dare
There are many different aspects to online pain management. In the case of the Dare app, its goal is to specifically help folks who are experiencing anxiety, worry, panic attacks, and insomnia. After it determines which area pertains to you, the app provides audio clips (they can range from three to 20 minutes in length) with soothing music/sounds, breathing techniques, guided training, and psychoeducation. Available via your mobile phone (Apple or Android) or tablet, Dare uses its technology to relax and calm its users. While not the typical pain monitoring app that is centered on physical symptoms, this app certainly fills an important need when it comes to mental health and its relation to chronic pain.
6. Nerivio
The final app on our list is Nerivio, an app that offers drug-free migraine relief to its users. Along with your app comes a wearable device that has been clinically proven to alleviate the symptoms of migraines. Worn on the upper arm, the device uses a technique called Remote Electrical Neuromodulation (REN) to inhibit headache pain. After downloading the app, it can be used to control the device. In addition, the app can track the frequency and intensity of migraines in a diary that is easily shared with your physician. For those who suffer from debilitating headaches, Nerivio is a great option to consider.
A Final Word From Lin
All of these apps provide excellent opportunities to learn more about chronic pain and how to alleviate and overcome it. Many of them highlight the importance of the mind-body connection and making lifestyle changes to support pain relief. Lin, in particular, provides a chronic pain holistic treatment that takes all aspects of your life into consideration. As you know, chronic pain impacts your relationships, career, social life, sleep, diet, and so much more. Having a personal health coach who can connect you with the right experts so you can learn how to better manage your pain in each of these areas will change your life forever. Sign up for Lin today!